The Armenian PR Awards is the best communication event in the field of communication, which encourages the specialists and individuals in public relations and communication, who play a significant role in public and political life, publicly sound initiatives and events, campaigns, and tricks that have received public attention.
The Armenian PR Association has been conducting scientific research since 2015, which enables the collection of information about the field of communication, major representatives and structures, communication management tools, and technologies.
“The PR Association's research team includes scientists, young researchers, public relations, and media experts. In the framework of the qualitative research, in-depth interviews, expert surveys, and focus group discussions were conducted; as well as media and social media monitoring. Quantitative research has made it possible to explore public opinion, the numerical or percentage distribution of public events, and spatiality. Within a year, 8700 people were surveyed; 5700 were women, and 3000 were men. In-depth interviews were conducted with 73 field experts and 120 communication field experts. 53 focus group discussions were organized during the year: each group includes 12 people from different age groups - 20-35, 35-50, 50 and more,” said Astghik Avetisyan, President of the Armenian PR Association.
After summarizing and analyzing the final results of the study, the top three are formed. The professional committee secretly votes; as the result of voting, one is elected as a winner.
The Chairman of the Professional Committee of the Armenian PR Awards is a well-known German speech-writer, communication specialist, and lecturer, Dr Vazrik Basil. Members: Hrachuhi Poghosyan (Professor at the University of California, Los Angeles, Head of the Innovation Promotion and Research Center), Atom Mkhitaryan (Dean of the International Scientific-Educational Center of the National Academy of Sciences, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Master of Laws, Education Expert, Associate Professor, Head of the Armenian PR Award Research Team), Ruzanna Ivanyan (Associate Professor, Department of Journalism and Media Technologies, St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technology and Design), Ashot Aleksanyan (Head of YSU Chair of Political Science, PhD, Professor, Invited Scientist, Institute of Political Science, Friedrich Schiller University, Germany), Miro Khanzadyan (Founder of "GlobalHye & Associates" company, Armenian-American PR Specialist, Journalist), and Astghik Avetisyan (President of the Armenian PR Association, Associate Professor of YSU Faculty of Journalism, PhD, Head of the "PR և Communication Technologies" Master's Program).
"A few days ago, I read the following in the German train notice box, "Do what you can, you will see that you have managed to do the impossible." In this difficult political, economic and social situation in Armenia, it is good for everyone to do their best in their field. Public relations should be high-quality, educational, and purposeful in its sphere. In this context, the Armenian PR Awards emphasizes the need for professionalism, and encourages public relations professionals to continue and improve their work,” said in his speech the chairman of the professional committee of the award, a well-known German communications specialist, St. Heinrich the Knight of the Covenant Vazrik Basil.
Each year, the cultural part of the award ceremony is dedicated to a great Armenian for the dissemination and popularization of Armenian culture. This year, the solemn award ceremony featured the works of the beloved composer, People's Artist of the Republic of Armenia Arthur Grigoryan, performed by the students of the State Song Theater. During his life Arthur Grigoryan not only created many wonderful songs but also educated different generations, creating a stage culture.
This year, the Armenian PR Awards also reviewed the PR campaigns for the Armenian public, announcing for the first time the names of the best in the "PR Campaign of the Year" nomination.
State Institution of the Year:
· RA Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports (winner)
· Compulsory Enforcement Service of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Armenia
· RA State Revenue Committee
Public Figure of the Year
· Arman Tatoyan (winner)
· Alen Simonyan
· Aram Vardevanyan
Politician of the Year
· Ararat Mirzoyan
· Arthur Vanetsyan
· Ishkhan Saghatelyan (winner)
PR Officer of the Year
· Vahan Hunanyan. RA Ministry of Foreign Affairs
· Lusine Mkrtchyan. RA State Revenue Committee (winner)
· Hunan Tadevosyan ․ State Emergency Service of the Artsakh Republic
Media of the Year
· Shoghakat TV - "Pahots Khohanots"
· Public Radio of Armenia - "Dprutyun"
· 5 TV- "Bareren" (winner)
Diaspora Media of the Year
· "Armenian Mirror- Spectator" (USA)
· "Zartonk" (Beirut)
· "Horizon Armenia TV" USA (winner)
Cultural PR of the Year
· State Symphony Orchestra of Armenia for activating and publicizing the cultural life of different cultural projects (winner)
· LA Project and Gor Sujyan to popularize Armenian literature through music
· Yerevan Book Festival to instil interest in literature, and books, give a new breath to literary life
Initiative of the Year
· The power of one dram. Idram և ID Bank (winner)
· 100 houses for Artsakh. Public television
· “Future Armenian” Public initiative
Event of the Year
· A ceremony dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Armenia Government of the Republic of Armenia
· Armenian Summit of Thoughts
· Silicon Mountains Technology Summit․ Union of Information and Communication Technologies Employers (winner)
Crisis Management of the Year
· HayPost (winner)
· Tashir pizza
· Inecobank
Corporate PR of the Year
· "Viva-MTS" company (winner)
· SoftConstructt
· Digitain
Innovative PR of the Year
· 360 STORIES:
· Armed application. "National e-Health Operator" CJSC (winner)
· Bionic hand. PhysMath school after YSU Artashes Shahinyan
PR technology of the Year
· Visualization of Artsakh. "Artsakh Series" of the Dilakian brothers (winner)
· Moth comics. MediaLab
· Zartir Lao (Wake up Lao)
PR campaign of the Year
· ACBA Bank - Inspired by you. Doping agency
· "Made in Armenia" program. RA Ministry of Economy
· "Life is beautiful with Hermine Stepanyan" campaign (winner)
Armenian brand
· "Jermuk" brand
Friend of Armenia
· US Embassy in Armenia
Special prize
· "What? Where? When?" Intellectual game (of "P-art" company) for the promotion of intellectual movement in Armenia, popularization of scientific culture
"The Armenian PR Awards 2022" was supported by "Yeraz Projects", the State Song Theater of Armenia, "Rumors Monitoring" company. News sponsors were,, ABNews TV,
Details can be found on the Official webpage: Armenian PR Awards Gala Ceremony.