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Dear Colleagues, Due to the state of emergency in the country, PRtalk is being postponed. We will announce the day of PR Talk implementation additionally due to developments. Be healthy.

PR Talk. The time has come to unite to discuss our achievements and current challenges.

On the initiative of the Armenian PR Association, an unprecedented PR discussion-meeting will take place in Armenia - "PR Talk".  The field of communication is developing very fast. To keep abreast of current challenges, strategies and trends, the PR community must be united.

PR Talk is a platform where leading professionals and beginners will have the opportunity to collaborate and exchange experiences. It will help to identify best practices, such as recording problems and offering solutions.

If you have interesting ideas, unique experience եք are ready to share with the audience, then participate in "PR TALK". Our doors are open to each of you և, we just have our rules.

Have you heard about the 25th shot? We are sure, yes. This principle is known to all PR specialists, because the forbidden or in other words "extra" staff has the greatest impact on the audience. We decided to use this technology during "PR TALK". No, we will not break rules and laws. The speech should simply be based on the principle of "10 slides in 25 seconds". 3 specialists will have the opportunity to speak on each topic. By the way, if you do not find your favorite topic in our list, you can suggest it yourself. The main precondition is that it be modern, interesting and impressive.

Are you ready to accept this challenge? So, join "PR TALK".

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